Is early baldness in men really linked to a more aggressive form of prostate cancer? In today’s fast paced, competitive 24 hour news cycle, compelling headlines trump accurate reporting of the “news” more often than most of us care to believe…You be the judge on this one.
The term “politically correct” began taking on steam in the early 1990’s, and referred to the use of language that would cause any demographic, such as social or cultural groups, to feel diminished, offended or excluded. Unfortunately, when it comes to male body shaming, society doesn’t afford men the same protection of political correctness as it does for women. As a matter of fact, male pattern baldness and other male body concerns are openly mocked by the mainstream media and by woman of all social, cultural and economic backgrounds.
Check out what Spencer Kobren and TBT callers have to say about this disturbing, and for many, distressing societal double standard.
Tim from Boston calls in to discuss his continued struggles with his hair loss, even though he’s been able to live his life successfully with a shaved head. Also,’s enthusiastic forum member, Dave (Artista) touches base to give us an update on his latest conversation with IAHRS accepted member, Dr. Carlos Wesley concerning the progress of his scarless hair transplant technique, Pilofocus.
"Spencer Kobren's nationally syndicated show "The Bald Truth" has a dedicated listenership that would have Rush Limbaugh pulling his hair out in envy." --Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.