• Matthew McConaughey’s Hair Loss Turn Around

    From TMZ to About.com, the speculation continues concerning Matthew McConaughey’s astonishing hair loss turn around. How can a guy who had such significant hair loss bounce back with what appears to be a completely full head of hair?

    Publicly McConaughey claims to have used a “patented” all natural hair loss treatment program, but experts in the field speculate that is unlikely.

    Last night Spencer Kobren and the guys from BTT  discussed what some believe to be the 8th wonder of the world…Matthew McConaughey’s hair.

  • Early Onset Male Pattern Baldness May Be Linked To Lower Incidence Of Prostate Cancer

    According to researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine, men who develop early onset male pattern baldness had a significant reduction in the risk of prostate cancer. The researchers studied 2000 men aged 40 to 47.

    At first, the findings were surprising,” said professor Jonathan Wright of the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. “But we found that early onset baldness was associated with a 29 percent to 45 percent reduction in their relative risk of prostate cancer.

    Helen Rippon, head of research management at The Prostate Cancer Charity, added: “If these results are correct, they could be useful in providing us with a greater understanding of how testosterone behaves in the body and how it can affect different tissues.

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