• FDA Issues Warning: CT Scans Reported To Cause Hair Loss and Other Serious Injuries

    The Food & Drug Administration said Tuesday that it will be taking steps to regulate the three most potent forms of medical radiation. With that, it will require that manufacturers of certain CT scanning equipment redesign machines to incorporate safeguards aimed at reducing patients’ exposure to radiation.

    The decision comes on the heels of several recent alarming reports of accidental overdoses of radiation from miscalibrated CT scanning machines.

    Last October, Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles disclosed that more than 200 patients had accidently received extremely high levels of  radiation during CT scans of their brains.  The FDA later stated that patients were exposed to eight times the amount of radiation typically used during the a CT scan, and that accidental exposure to very high amounts of radiation can cause severe injuries, such as burns, radiation induced hair loss, cataracts, and cancer.

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  • And The Survey Says…Hair Loss Sucks!

    According to a national survey conducted by Wakefield Research on behalf of the makers of Rogaine, Americans have a “surprising” lack of understanding concerning the prevalence, incidence, causes, and how to effectively treat hair loss. The survey concludes that more than 75 percent of Americans incorrectly cite stress as a leading cause of hair loss, while more than one-third think wearing a hat and over-styling hair can cause common male and female pattern baldness.

    So what if obesity is considered one of America’s biggest killers, leading to heart disease, diabetes and strokes? The stats say it all, “40 percent of married Americans would rather their spouse be overweight than bald!”

    While we appreciate the effort on the part of Wakefield Research and Rogaine to shed some light on society’s utter lack of knowledge and empathy when it comes to hair loss, we definitely think their time and resources could have been better spent. Hair loss sufferers make up the largest demographic of all human kind, yet in our opinion, the makers of Rogaine still can’t find a way to effectively educate hair loss consumers about a product that actually works. Read more ›

  • I’m 16 and I’m Going Bald!

    Hair loss at any age can be devastating, but to begin the hair loss process as a teenager is beyond the scope of what most teens will ever be forced to cope with. A larger percentage of boys deal with the early onset of male pattern hair loss than most people realize. An estimated 20% of hair loss sufferers begin the process of balding before than age of twenty one, and many begin before they even graduate from high school. What these young hair loss sufferers need to know is that they are not alone and that there is life after hair loss.

    It’s important that teens confide in their parents, and  seek the advise of a physician who specializes in hair loss as soon as they notice any change in their hair. Early intervention is always the key to the effective treatment of hair loss, but immediate emotional support can be even more important during this extremely vulnerable time in a young hair loss sufferers life.

    Last week a young man posted his story and plea for help on the BaldtruthTalk.com message forums:

    “I am a 16 year old boy, and this is my story. For about a year now, I have been losing my hair.”

    “Every single day, I dedicated it to finding a cure. But found nothing.. I discovered Hair Restoration on the internet, and went to a hair restoration company.. The lady at the consultation felt bad for me, so she sent me to see a surgeon.. Once I saw him, all he did was prescribe me Propecia, and tell me that my donor area was outstanding (really good). But I couldn’t fill it because they said I had to be 18.. I bought a very expensive wig to cover it up, but it makes me feel faker than ever when I wear it.. I can’t do the activities I wish to do with it on either, or it will just fall off.. I cry a lot because of it.. I don’t go outside anymore because of it.. And it hurts so much emotionally because of my age.. Some nights, I even cry myself to sleep because of it.” “I wish someone could fix this, and make it go away.”

    Listen to Spencer Kobren’s audio response to this young man’s post:

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