• Bad Economy Equals Strong Growth For Hair loss Biz

    A South Florida non-surgical hair replacement salon is reporting a record number of calls from South Floridians heading back into the job market and needing a boost of self-esteem. It’s said that consumer spending is at an all time low, and according to The National Association of Insurance Commissioners many Americans are cutting back on everything including medical care, but The Business of Hair keeps growing stronger, giving a whole new meaning to “if you look good, you feel good.”

    Jorge Estevez reports for local CBS News4 on this growing trend:


  • Cheap Propecia and Guaranteed Results From Merck & Co.

    There is no doubt that Propecia works. The American Hair loss Association recommends this clinically proven, FDA approved hair loss treatment as the first line of attack for any man serious about effectively treating his hair loss.

    As many of my readers and listeners already know, I credit Merck and Co., the makers of Propecia, for literally changing the course of my life. Having the ability to stop the progression of my hair loss provided me with the motivation to write my first book, The Bald Truth: The First Complete Guide To Preventing and Treating Hair loss.

    Throughout the last decade, I have had the profound privilege to be in a position to educate and to motivate hair loss sufferers from around the world, and the one piece of advice that I give to every man suffering with male pattern hair loss is to speak to their doctors about Propecia.

    Through my radio program, I have spoken to countless men who seem to be in a great deal of distress about the prospect of going bald, yet they continue to voice their concerns about the ongoing cost of Propecia. In my opinion, Propecia is a relatively low monthly expense when considering how this treatment can literally improve the quality of a person’s life. For less than the cost of a night out, a guy can enjoy the benefits of maintaining his appearance, his self confidence, and in many cases his self esteem. In my mind it’s a no-brainer. Never the less, Merck and Co. has created a new program to help motivated men begin treatment with Propecia while saving a significant amount of money. Read more ›

  • Legendary Pick-Up Artist Neil Strauss, Shares Secrets of “The Game.”

    Last week Neil Strauss, author of The New York Times Bestseller, The Game, Penetrating The Secret society of  Pickup Artists, was gracious enough to spend the entire two hour broadcast with us sharing the story of his own metamorphosis from an average frustrated chump (AFC) into the world’s best known, and most respected “pick up artist.”

    Since the program was so well received, we decided to archive the entire broadcast. If you’re a hair loss sufferer who thinks that your receding hairline has extinguished your love life, think again! Read more ›



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